Sunday 31 July 2016

Benefits of #butter and #margarine....

#Health #Tip#86-Keep yourself hydrated ...

“#Life doesn’t have....

“We can #create ....

POEM ON #PAIN- I #Wonder by Anu Mehta

Saturday 30 July 2016

Benefits of #cabbage....

#Health #Tip#85 -Bleeding from mouth...

“#People face #various

#anumehta getting certificate for completing Hypnotherapy

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#anumehta in United Kingdom studying

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#anumehta just being herself

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#anumehta busy conducting workshop

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#anumehta loves life

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“#Energy of #love .....

“#Life #challenges, #setbacks .....

Friday 29 July 2016

#anumehta giving certificates.

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#anumehta conducting EFT workshop in Mumbai.

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#anumehta co- ordinated first workshop by International speaker Penny at Mumbai 4 years back.

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#anumehta taking EFT WORKSHOP in Mumbai

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#anumehta first awareness talk in Mumbai on META-Health four years back

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#anumehta loves working with Lecher Antenna

via CelebritiesFactory

Benefits of #cauliflower....

#Health #Tip#84 -Apply ice to....

“#language of #intuition .....

“#Forgive, move ahead...

Thursday 28 July 2016

#Health #Tip#83 -Dryness of feet....

“Our #soul #Intuitively

Stress during pregnancy is bad for baby, says META-Health expert Anu Mehta

Once I read a quote, ‘A baby fills place in your heart that you never knew was empty.’ This got me thinking if pregnancy was really such an amazing experience then why is it that some of the women never have the privilege of being a mother, some of the women have to deal with real difficult pregnancy and some of them deliver babies with congenital problems. These questions bombarded my mind and I just could not make sense of the suffering that a child and the family are subjected to due to congenital disorders. I wondered if birth defects could be connected with stress.  I was remained of my own time when I had found out that my son was suffering from posterior urethral valves, reflux of urine and had a hole in the heart.

“When we #speak .....

Benefits of #carrots....

Wednesday 27 July 2016

#anumehta with her EFT teacher Karl Dawson in 2009 in Prague

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#anumehta in a museum in Paris

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#anumehta with Dr Rene the creator of Lecher Antenna

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#EFT class with Karl Dawson in2010

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#Health #Tip#82-Sun Burn....

“There will #never ....

#anumehta in United Kingdom with her friends

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#anumehta with her friends. Trying the funny specks

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#anumehta is saying a hi .

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#anumehta with Helena

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#anumehta with Karl Dawson. He is my EFT and Matrixreimprinting teacher.

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#anumehta doing EFT workshop

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“#Love #initiates #meaningless

Tuesday 26 July 2016

#anumehta and her new friends .

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Let the #fun begin

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#anumehta is asking is my luck up there ?

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Having fun in Leh

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Living in tents at #pangong lake Ladhak

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“Our #heart #teaches ....

#Health #Tip#81- Mix 1 tsp, honey...